Maena Cosy A2 Studio ***

Lots of light in our cosy apartment on the first floor of a family house.

Lots of light in our cosy apartment on the first floor of a family house. The big glass wall will guide you to a spacious balcony for a relaxed meal or relaxing time in the shadow surrounded by greenery.

It consists of nice kitchen and dining room, one big room as bedroom and living room with a comfy sofa with an extra bed.




Maena Yellow A3 ***

There are two bed­rooms in this comfy apartment, a sit­ting room, a com­pletely acces­sorised kitchen, a bath­room and a bal­cony.

Maena Green A4 ***

The apart­ment Maena “Green” (51 m2) is sit­u­ated on the sec­ond floor of a family house in the res­i­den­tial part of Novi­grad, Šaini.